學術著作 | Publications

Hui-Chun (Jimgo) Hung's Publications

    1. Liu, I. F., Hung, H. C.*, & Liang, C. T. (Accepted). A study of programming learning perceptions and effectiveness under a blended learning model with live streaming: comparisons between full-time and working students. Interactive Learning Environments, 1–15. (SSCI Journal) https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2023.2198586
    2. Lin, K.-C., Ko, C.-W., Hung, H.-C., & Chen, N.-S. (Accepted). The effect of real-time pose recognition on badminton learning performance. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2021.1981396  (SSCI Journal)
    3. Lin, K. C., Hung, H. C., & Chen, N. S. (2023). The effect of wearable technology on badminton learning performance: a multiple feedback WISER model in physical education. Smart Learning Environments, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-023-00247-9
    4. Huang, T. Y., Huang, W.Te, Lin, Y. C., Hung, H. H., Ou, S. C., Chang, C. W., Lin, H. E., Lin, T. Y., Chang, C. W., Hung, H. C., & Huang, S. T. (2023). Chinese Intelligence Prescription System improves prescription accuracy while decreasing labor and drug costs. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 514. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-023-09487-4 (SCI Journal)
    5. Lin, D., Huang, W., Lin, Y., Hung, H., Ou, S., Chang, C., Lin, H., Lin, T., Chang, C., Hung, H., & Huang, S. (2023). Heliyon Prescription system to calculate precise doses of Chinese herbal medicine to avoid toxic effects. Heliyon, 9(6), e16612. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16612 (SCI Journal)
    6. Looi, C.-K., Wong, S. L., Kong, S.-C., Chan, T.-W., Shih, J.-L., Chang, B., Wu, Y.-T., Liu, C.-C., Yeh, C. Y. C., Chen, Z.-H., Chien, T.-C., Chou, C.-Y., Hung, H.-C., Cheng, H., & Liao, C. C. Y. (2023). Interest-Driven Creator Theory: case study of embodiment in an experimental school in Taiwan. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 18, 023. https://doi.org/10.58459/rptel.2023.18023
    7. Chien, T.-C., Hung, H.-C., Ku, Y.-M., Wu, D. H., & Chan, T.-W. (2022). Some thoughts on extending digital language learning research. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 25(3), 384–385. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1366728921000821 (SSCI Journal)
    8. Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2021). Unbundling teaching and learning in a flipped thermal physics classroom in higher education powered by emerging innovative technology. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 37(4), 102-112. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.6059  (SSCI Journal)
    9. Lin, K.-C., Lee, I.-C., Cheng, C.-F., & Hung, H.-C*. (2020). The Effects of Adopting Tablets and Facebook for Learning Badminton Skills: A Portfolio-Based WISER Model in Physical Education. Educational Technology & Society, 23(4), 89-105. https://www.j-ets.net/collection/published-issues/23_4  (SSCI Journal)
    10. Liu, I.-F., & Hung, H.-C.* (2020). How are Live-Streaming Services and Social Media Platforms Changing On-Job MBA Students’ Learning? A Case Study for Applying e-Case Live in Management Case-Based Learning in Taiwan. IEEE Access, 8, 120936–120945. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3006170 (SCI Journal)
    11. Hung, H.-C., Liu, I.-F., Liang, C.-T., & Su, Y.-S. (2020). Applying Educational Data Mining to Explore Students’ Learning Patterns in the Flipped Learning Approach for Coding Education. Symmetry, 12(2), 213. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12020213 (SCI Journal)
    12. Hung, H.-C., Shwu-Ching Young, S., & Lin, K.-C. (2018). Exploring the effects of integrating the iPad to improve students’ motivation and badminton skills: a WISER model for physical education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 27(3), 265–278. https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2017.1384756 (SSCI Journal)
    13. Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2017). Applying multi-touch technology to facilitate the learning of art appreciation: from the view of motivation and annotation. Interactive Learning Environments, 25(6), 733–748. http://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2016.1172490 (SSCI Journal)
    14. Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2015). An Investigation of Game-Embedded Handheld Devices to Enhance English Learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 52(4), 548–567. http://doi.org/10.1177/0735633115571922 (SSCI Journal)
    15. Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2015). The Effectiveness of Adopting E-Readers to Facilitate EFL Students’ Process-Based Academic Writing. Educational Technology & Society, 18(1), 124–136. (SSCI Journal)
    16. Hung, H.-C., Young, S. S.-C., & Lin, C.-P. (2015). No student left behind: a collaborative and competitive game-based learning environment to reduce the achievement gap of EFL students in Taiwan. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 24(1), 35–49. http://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2013.822412 (SSCI Journal)
    17. Lin, K.-C., Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2014). The effectiveness of adopting tablets pc in physical education of badminton skill. Physical Education Journal, 47(3), 437–450. (in Chinese, TSSCI Journal)
    18. Young, S. S.-C., & Hung, H.-C. (2014). Coping with the Challenges of Open Online Education in Chinese Societies in the Mobile Era : NTHU OCW as a Case Study. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 15(3), 158–184. (SSCI Journal)
    19. Hung, H.-C. & Young, S. S.-C. (2014). Implementation of a Game-Based Learning Environment on Handheld Devices to Facilitate Elementary Students’ English Learning. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 6(2), 1-24. (in Chinese).
    20. Hung, H.-C., Wu, C.-S., & Young, S. S.-C. (2011). Exploring Uses of Free Blogs for E-portfolio Setup in Higher Education. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 3(3), 1-15. (in Chinese)


    1. Hung, H.-C., Chuang, M.-Y., & Chen, C.-H. (2023, September). Collaboration scripts assisted VR co-creation learning activities combined with learning analytics dashboards to enhance students’ learning achievement. Paper presented at the BERA Conference 2023, Birmingham, England.
    2. Liao, P.-S., & Hung, H.-C. (2023). Designing a visual analytics system to support a re-designed flipped learning programming class. IIAI Letters on Informatics and Interdisciplinary Research, 4, 1. https://doi.org/10.52731/liir.v004.129
    3. Hung, H. C., & Lee, P. H. (2023). Applying Deep Knowledge Tracing Model for University Students’ Programming Learning. International Conference on Information Networking, 2023-January, 574–577. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICOIN56518.2023.10048977
    4. 徐世凡、洪暉鈞(2023年05月)。以DAS3H模型於英文學習適應性間隔複習學習系統初探。第27屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE2023),北京,中國。本人為通訊作者。
    5. 呂浚宏、洪暉鈞(2023年03月)。自動問題生成之以深度知識追蹤為輔的適性程式設計學習初探。台灣數位學習發展2023研討會(TWELF2023),屏東,台灣。本人為通訊作者。
    6. 李曼綾、洪暉鈞(2023年03月)。聊天機器人做為國小學習者閱讀學伴初探。台灣數位學習發展2023研討會(TWELF2023),屏東,台灣。本人為通訊作者。
    7. 柯炘德、洪暉鈞、徐世凡(2023年03月)。以BERT標記技能標籤應用於適性化出題系統之初探。台灣數位學習發展2023研討會(TWELF2023),屏東,台灣。本人為通訊作者。
    8. 呂昆珉,洪暉鈞(2022年03月)。結合社會調節學習平台與教中學課程設計於大學通識課程之研究。第十七屆台灣數位學習發展研討會,台東,台灣。本人通訊作者。
    9. 廖柏瑄,洪暉鈞(2022年03月)。以視覺化儀表板輔助SPOC程式設計課程自我調節表現之初探。第十七屆台灣數位學習發展研討會,台東,台灣。本人為通訊作者。
    10. 鄭博晏,洪暉鈞,陳德懷(2022年05月)。自我調整數位閱讀同伴系統建置與閱讀行為模式分析。第26屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會,新竹,台灣。本人為通訊作者。
    11. 李秉翰,洪暉鈞(2022年05月)。以深度知識追蹤模型應用於程式設計學習之輔助系統設計。第26屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會,新竹,台灣。本人為通訊作者。
    12. 莊珉瑜,洪暉鈞,陳政煥(2022年03月)。以合作腳本輔助VR內容共創學習之活動設計與腳本平台規劃。第十七屆台灣數位學習發展研討會,台東,台灣。
    13. Hung,H.-C. (2019, Sep). The applications of two NLP methods – An pilot analysis of citizen’s comments on Bureau of Labour Insurance’s facebook fan page. The Secend International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3 2019). Kyoto,  Japan. **Best Paper Award**
    14. Hung,H.-C. (2019, June). Flipped Learning Approach for Coding Education in Higher Education. International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2019 (CTE2019), Hongkong, China.
    15. Hung,H.-C. (2018, Aug). Flipped Learning with Live-coding Approach for Programming Concepts learning. The First International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3 2018), , Okinawa, Japan.
    16. 洪暉鈞(2018年5月)。設計思考於創新系統開發課程的教學實踐:以大學通識課程為例。第22 屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會(GCCCE2018 ),廣州,中國。
    17. Lin K.-C., Hung H.-C. (2018, Jul). The effectiveness of adopting tablet and Facebook for badminton skill learning in physical education. 2018 AIESEP International Conference, Laramie (AIESEP 2018), United Kingdom.
    18. Hung,H.-C., Chang,M.-F., Chen,I-C., Yeh,P.-C., Liang,C.-T. (2017, Jul). A preliminary study of applying stream analytics to support live-broadcastingbased learning. The 8th Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning : Innovations and Applications, GCCIL 2017, Chengdu, China.
    19. 洪暉鈞(2017年10月)。以翻轉教室融入大學程式設計創新教學之研究。自主學習與創新教學課程學術研討會,台北,台灣。
    20. 洪暉鈞(2017年07月)。翻轉教室應用於大學程式課程之初探。The 4th Greater China MOOC Symposium 第四屆大中華區MOOC研討會, GCMS2017,香港。
    21. 洪暉鈞(2017年06月)。翻轉學習於培養大學生資訊能力之初探:以程式設計課程為例。2017 第三屆學習科學與科技研討會,新竹,台灣。20170616-17
    22. Lin, K.-C., Hung, H.-C.,& Lee. I.-C (2016, Jun). Exploring the effects of integrating Facebook to enhance students’ badminton motor skills learning. 2016 AIESEP International Conference, Laramie (AIESEP 2016), Wyoming, USA. 20160608-11
    23. Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2014). Applying Tablets to Enhance Art Appreciation Learning in Higher Education. In J. E. Guerrero (Ed.), Proceedings of 20147th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing and Workshops (U-MEDIA2014) (pp. 297–299). Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services. doi:10.1109/U-MEDIA.2014.21
    24. Hung, H. C. & Young, S. S.-C. (2014). The effectiveness of adopting tablets facilitate college students’ art appreciation learning in the General Education classroom. In W. Chen, X. Gu, & Y.-T. Wu (Eds.), Proceeding of 18th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2014). (pp.180-183). Shanghai, China: Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education (GCSCE). (In Chinese)
      洪暉鈞、楊叔卿(2014年,5月)。平板電腦融入大學藝術通識課堂之應用與評估。GCCCE 2014 第十八屆全球華人計算器教育應用大會」發表之論文,上海華東師範大學。
    25. 洪暉鈞楊叔卿林國欽(2014年,5月)以平板電腦增進大學體育課程之羽球學習動機。「第八屆電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會(CNTE2014)」發表之論文,新竹。
    26. Hung, H.-C. & Young, S. S.-C. (2013, Nov). Implementation of a game-based learning environment on handheld devices to facilitate elementary students’ English learning. Paper presented at 2013 Taiwan e-learning forum 2013 (TWELF 2013). Taiwan: Taichung. (In Chinese) 洪暉鈞、楊叔卿 (2013年,11月)。基於手持載具之悅趣化學習情境建置以改善國小學童英文學習。「第九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF2013)」發表之論文,台中。
    27. Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2013). A cloud-based solution for OpenCourseWare system to meet the need of cross-platform learning via various devices in the ubiquitous environment. In M. Hwang, S.- Kwok, J. Cuhalev, & N. S. Castillo (Eds.), e-Proceedings of theOpenCourseWare Consortium Global Meeting 2013 (pp. 105–109). Bali, Indonesia: OpenCourseWare Consortium.
    28. Hung, H. C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2012). The Effect of Adopting E-Reader as an Innovative Medium in Technical and Scientific English Writing Course. In J. Colpaert, A. Aerts, W.-C. V. Wu, & Y. -C. J. Chao (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fifteenth International CALL Conference: the Media Matters (pp. 323–329). Taichung, Taiwan: Providence University.
    29. Hung, H. C. & Young, S. S.-C. (2012). Design a cloud-based OpenCourseWare system for different learning behaviors with various devices. In J. -L. Shih (Eds.).Proceeding of 16th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education. (pp. 695-702). Ping Tung, Taiwan: Department of Information and Learning Technology, National University of Tainan. (In Chinese) 洪暉鈞、楊叔卿(2012年,5月)。基於雲端跨載具多媒體開放式課程之平台建置與使用者行為探討。「2012全球華人計算機教育應用大會」發表之論文,屏東,台灣。
    30. Hung, H. C. & Young, S. S.-C. (2012). Integrating e-readers into academic writing course in higher education. In Shih, J. -L.(Eds.).Proceeding of 16th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education. (pp.179-186). Ping Tung, Taiwan: Department of Information and Learning Technology, National University of Tainan. (In Chinese)
    31. 洪暉鈞,楊叔卿(2012年3月)。 邁向綠色環保學習:電子書閱讀器融入高等教育課程之探討。「第二屆兩岸清華研究生學術論壇」發表之論文,新竹,台灣:清華大學。
    32. 洪暉鈞,楊叔卿(2011年12月)。跨載具多媒體影音數位學習平台之初探。行動與無所不在學習,林秋斌。「2011電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會」發表之論文,新竹,台灣:新竹教育大學。
    33. Hung, H. C., Wu, C. S., & Young, S. S.-C. (2011). Towards an Understanding of the University Students' Behavioral Intention to build e-Portfolio via Blog Service. In Fu-Yun Yu (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2011 (pp.322-326). Chiang Mai, Thailand: National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand.
    34. Huang, H.-Y., Lin, W.-L., Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2011). Exploring technology use behavior - A case study of adopting e-readers into higher education classroom. In Z. Jianping & C. Dehuai (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2011 (GCCCE 2011) (pp. 1313–1316). Hangzhou, China: Zhejiang University, China. (Best paper award)
    35. Wu, C.-S., Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C.(2010). A Study of Building E-Portfolio for Higher Education Using Blog Platform. Proceedings of The 14th Global Chinese Conference on Computer in Education (GCCCE2010) pp. 463-469, Singapore, 06.01-06.04, 2010.
    36. Hung, H.-C., Young, S. S.-C., & Lin, C.-P. (2009). Constructing the face-to-face collaborative game-based interacted environment for portable devices in English vocabulary acquisition. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2009), 370-375, Rhodes, Greece, 07.08-07.13, 2009.
    37. Lin, C.-P., Young, S. S.-C., & Hung, H.-C. (2008). The Game-Based Constructive Learning Environment to Increase English Vocabulary Acquisition: Implementing a Wireless Crossword Fan-Tan Game (WiCFG) as an Example. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Wireless,Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE 2008) (pp. 205–207). Beijing, China. doi:10.1109/WMUTE.2008.50
    38. Hung, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2007). Constructing the game-based learning environment on handheld devices to facilitate English vocabulary building. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 2007 (ICALT 2007) (pp. 348–350). Niigata, Japan. doi:10.1109/ICALT.2007.105
    39. Lin, C.-P., Young, S. S.-C., Hung, H.-C., & Lin, Y.-C. (2007). Implementation of the Scrabble Game on the Mobile Devices to Increase English Vocabulary Acquisition. In Clark Chinn, G. Erkens, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), Proceedings of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2007 (pp. 438–440). New Brunswick, NJ, USA: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
    40. Hun, H.-C., & Young, S. S.-C. (2007). Applying collaborative and competitive learning in game-based English vocabulary acquisition: Using the PDA-based WiCFG as an example. In J. Lee, T. Shih, Q. Wang, & Y. Zhao (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2007 (GCCCE2007) (Vol. 1, pp. 376–383). Guangzhou, China: Beijing Normal University Press.
    41. Hung, H.-C. & Wang L. C. C. (2006). Technology Integration and Congnitive Skill Level within an Elementary School in Taiwan. Proceedings of the Global Summit Conference on Educational Technology-2006 (GSCET 2006).